As part of our CYF (Children, Youth and Families) team, I have the privilege of getting to know the young people in our church family and their grown ups . I love reading and sharing stories (particularly God’s amazing story in the Bible) as well as drinking hot chocolate, jumping in puddles and playing board games with my friends and family.
Jo Dunn
Office LeadI am the person you will find on the other end of the office email address. As the Elders' Administrative …
Nick Dunn
Church LeaderI am married with three grown up children. I am an engineer by profession although I currently work in large …
Eunice Dawson
Welcome Team LeadHi my name is Eunice, I am married to Andrew and I am blessed with two super, loving families. Two …
John Horry
Church LeaderI am a widower, now retired after a career in the healthcare industry, with three grown-up and married children …
David Howe
PastorI’m married to Lauren with three primary-aged children. We moved to Stapleford in 2023 and are loving making …
Louise Maskell
Safeguarding LeadI’m married to Phil and have three grown up daughters and one son-in-law; who flew the nest …
David Puls
Church LeaderI’m married to Charlotte with 2 adult sons. We've been at Stapleford since 1997 and worshipping at SBC …
Thursday Afternoon
Thursday Afternoon LG is led by Lauren and David.
Sally Trigg
Key person in the teams running: Refresh, MyTime, Brain and Soul Boosting and feeding the churchI became a Christian in 1986 at SBC during a mission meeting my sister in law had invited me to …
Tuesday afternoon
Tuesday Afternoon LG is led by Alison, Brian and John. You will notice that there are only two people (Alison …
Tuesday Evening
Tuesday Evening LG is led by (left to right) Phil, Abi, Jo and Nick.
Wednesday Evening
Wednesday Evening LG is led by (left to right) David, Eunice and Andrew.
David Wells
Church LeaderI'm married with two adult daughters and four grandchildren. For me and my wife Kum Kew, since we came …